Guest experience with Spectra

Guest experience

Loyal guests are the foundation of any successfull marketing within hospitality. Your most loyal guests will post pictures from their stay to their Instagram, they will recommend their friends to visit you and strengthen your brand at Tripadvisor. This is more valuable than any marketing you can buy.


Guest feedback will give you insights of your strengths and weaknesses. What are they saying about you already?

If you use the Spectra Hotel booking system you can find out and work proactively with your brand through the guest experience.

Responsr is using NPS® methodology that is proven to work wonders within hospitality.

Integrated with Spectra

Feedback inbox to respond to customer feedback

Start in minutes

Sign up for the free trial to start recieving customer feedback rightaway.

You will recieve insights from the guests checking out from your hotel already tomorrow.

Negative reviews?

Get ahead of negative reviews by recieving the feedback from the guest, solving issues before it turns into temper tantrums on Tripadvisor.

You are able to resolve issues early on by contacting guests with a negative experience. 

Loyal customers

Your loyal customers are your best marketing channel. Ask them to spread the word on Tripadvisor and to their friends. 

Boost team moral using storytelling provided directly by your customers.

We've done it easy for you!

Just two steps to get started!


Recieve your customer insights

You will recieve feedback on a daily basis. On average every 4th guest will provide insightful feedback that can help your business. You can follow it day by day and will recieve a weekly report. Including benchmark comparison to your competition.

That is increadible isn’t it?

Vanliga utmaningar som våra kunder berättat om

”Den årliga medarbetarundersökningen är bara en ögonblicksbild, vi måste mäta löpande”

”Det är jättesvårt att få fart på förbättringsarbetet efter den årliga mätningen, som chef behöver jag systemstöd eller mer hjälp från HR”.​

”Vi på HR hinner inte följa upp handlingsplaner kopplade till medarbetarenkäten. Ibland har de inte blivit genomförda alls”​

”Som chef för ett team vill jag kunna skicka ut egna pulsmätningar och följa teamets utveckling på egen hand"

”Ledningen kräver att vi på HR förvandlar åsikter till beteeendeförändringar som sedan syns i mätbara affärsmål”


”Mina medarbetare tycker emejl-enkäter är tråkigt, jag vill visa upp något nytt”

”Traditionell medarbetarundersökning skapar en offermentalitet, som att det är någon annan fel alltid”

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